With an invocation, be sensitive to the fact that in a club, members come from diverse religious, social and cultural backgrounds. Your role is to invoke, to bring into play, to start the meeting and bring everyone's attention to focus. Sharing a few inspiring, uplifting words or a quote relating to the meeting's theme is appropriate. Appreciation relating to the club mission or the critical success factors (e.g., “We are thankful for the opportunity today to improve our listening, thinking, speaking and leadership skills”) is always a good subject. The invocation is approximately 1 minute.
To lead the pledge of allegiance, start by saying, “Please stand and face the flag.” This gives everyone a moment to get ready. The 'Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag' reads as follows "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all." (If you are uncomfortable with any of the pledge, simply remain silent. Once you begin with “I pledge . . .” the group will continue.) When you finish ask everyone to "Please be seated."
Transfer control of the meeting to the President (or most senior officer present). Bring them to the lectern with their introduction or simply introduce them with, “Toastmaster _____________ (first and last name)."
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