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Monday, February 2, 2009

Evaluate Your Mentoring Skills

Serving as a mentor is both a challenge and an opportunity for personal growth. How are your mentoring skills? Take the following test.

Possible Points: Always = 3, Sometimes = 2, Never = 1
  • I observe people to identify those with potential.
  • I am a good listener.
  • When people come to me with problems, I encourage them to think of and consider possible solutions.
  • I have the time necessary to help someone develop their skills.
  • I like to help others grow and advance in their careers.
  • I am sensitive to the needs of others and am tactful.
Scoring: add up the numbers.
17-18 points, congratulations, excellent mentoring skills!
12-16 points, skills need some attention.
11 points or less, it's time to make some improvements!

As you complete mentoring projects, take the test again to see your progress.

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