The technology is available and almost everyone has access. Because we want it to be a level playing field, open source programs and shareware seem effective core tools with which to achieve this goal. How to make it a reality is the challenge. We have been building tech skills and for several years. Join us and put your skills to use now to assist in building this resource.
We have collected a lot of information, ideas, documents and files from our Toastmasters' experiences. The clubs are excellent learning laboratories and consistently add to the sum of our resources. Having web sites to facilitate club communication and connection helps the clubs function and grow. The next logical step is to build a resource library for members to access information that helps them on their personal development paths.
If you are reading this, you already have an interest. This blog allows multiple authors to contribute articles. Become a part of the development team for this resource. Add input in the comment form below or email me with your interests and you can make it happen. The clubs work because of the commitment of the members and from the synergy of our intention to learn. Add your expertise to the energy of this group resource service.
This site is the beginning foundation of a Toastmasters Club Library, welcome fellow creators!
Leaving a comment is easy. We have a public site so comments will be moderated for security.