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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Club President Duties

  1. With Treasurer go to bank and update club account signature cards. Arrange to have club financial records audited.
  2. Ensure updated officers list is sent to International immediately after each election and a copy of club officer contact information gets to your District officers.
  3. Preside over all club meetings and introduce guests, make announcements, conduct monthly business meetings and present awards - VP Education fills in for the President when necessary.
  4. Hold regular executive board meetings with the club Secretary maintaining a record of the meetings.
  5. Track club’s progress towards Distinguished Club status on a monthly basis and copy the Area Governor.
  6. Ensure all club officers are executing their duties and have the information and tools to do so.
  7. Conduct semi-annual officer elections - Appoint nominating committee with the Immediate Past President as chair at least one month before elections.
  8. Approve content of the web site and the club newsletter before published - Encourage members to support both the web master and the newsletter editor.
  9. Give ‘Appreciation and Regrets’ speech when next President takes office.
  10. Attend all officer meetings and training programs. Prepare successor for office.
  11. Ensure club representation at both spring and fall District conferences.
  12. Promote synergy between local clubs.
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